JU Announcement

    1. توزيع الرموز
  1. Sheets
    1. Sheet Form
    2. Sheet 1
    3. Sheet 2
    4. Sheet 3
    5. Sheet 4
    6. Sheet 5
    7. Sheet 6
    8. Sheet 7
    9. Sheet 8
    10. Sheet 9
    11. Sheet 10
    12. Sheet 11
    13. Sheet 12
    14. Sheet 13
    15. Sheet 14
  2. Dr. Ghada Slides
    1. Histology and Its Methods of Study
    2. Epithelium
    3. Epithelium 2
    4. Specialized Apical Structures
    5. Connective tissue
    6. Connective Tissue Fibers
    7. Cartilage
  3. Dr.Hanan Records
    1. Lecture 1
    2. Lecture 2
    3. Lecture 3
    4. Lecture 4
    5. Lecture 5
    6. Connective tissue 1
    7. Connective tissue 2- part 1
    8. Connective tissue 2- part 2
  4. Dr.Hanan Slides
    1. Histology and Its Methods of Study
    2. Sample Preparation
    3. Epithelial Tissue-1
    4. Epithelial Tissue-2
    5. Gladular epithilium
    6. Connective tissue 1
    7. Connective tissue 2
    8. Practical Mid
    9. Cartilage
    10. Adipose Tissue
  5. Dr.Hanan videos
    1. Gladular epithilium
    2. Practical Mid Review
    3. Cartilage
  6. Lab Slides
    1. Lab 1
    2. Lab 2
    3. Lab 3
    4. Lab 4
    5. Bone Tissue (by moataz Alaaraj)
    6. Bone Ossification (by moataz Alaaraj)
    7. Muscle Tissue ( by moataz Alaaraj)
  7. Dr.Heba videos
    1. Bone Tissue 1
    2. Bone Tissue 2
    3. Bone tissue practical part
    4. Bone Ossification 1
    5. Bone Ossification 2
    6. Bone Ossification 3
    7. Muscle Tissue 1
    8. Muscle Tissue 2
    9. Muscle Tissue 3
    10. Muscle Tissue practical part
    11. Nervous Tissue 1
    12. Nervous Tissue 2
    13. Nervous Tissue 3
  8. Dr.Heba Slides
    1. Bone Tissue
    2. Bone Ossification
    3. Muscle Tissue
    4. Nervous Tissue
  9. Dr.Heba Sheets
    1. Sheet 1
    2. Sheet 2
    3. Sheet 3
    4. Sheet 4
    5. Sheet 5
  10. Summaries
    1. Lec 1 - 14 (By Rawan )
    2. Epithelial tissue (By Hala )
    3. Lec 1+2 (By moataz Alaaraj)
    4. Junctions (By Moataz alaaraj)
    5. Chapter 1( by Hadeel )
    6. Staining Methods ( by Sumayah )
  11. Videos By Students
    1. Lec 1+2 by Muhammad Aljahalin
  12. Flashcards
    1. Introduction and its method of study
    2. Sample preperation for LM and EM
    3. Epithelial tissue 1
    4. Epithelial tissue 2
    5. Glandular epithelium
    6. Lec 1 - Lec 8
    1. Mid-2019
    2. Epithelial tissue 1
    3. Epithelial tissue 2
    4. Dr.Ghada past papers
    5. Mid test bank All Chapters
    6. Mid-020
    7. Ghada’s Material-Final Past paper
    8. Heba’s Material-Final Past paper
    9. Final-2020