JU Announcement
  1. 020 Lectures
    1. Pancreatic cancer (dr. Khaled Daradkeh)
    2. Liver Metastasis (Dr. M. Alzoubi)
    3. Spleen (Dr. Khalid Daradkeh)
    4. Mesentric ischemia (Dr. Khaled Daradka)
    5. Acute Pancreatitis (Dr. R. Addasi)
    6. Hypovolemic Shock (Dr. K. Daradka)
    7. Acute appendicitis (Dr. Rashdan)
    8. GERD (Dr. Rashdan)
    9. IBD (Dr.M.S.Almuhtaseb)
    10. Small Bowel Tumors (Dr. M.S. Almuhtaseb)
    11. Colorectal Polyps (Dr. M. S. Almuhtaseb)
    12. Colorectal Carcinoma (Dr. M. S. Almuhtaseb)
    13. Intestinal Obstruction (Dr. M. Alqudah)
    14. Hemorrhoids (Dr. M. S. Almohtaseb)
    15. Perineal suppuration (Dr. M. S. Almohtaseb)
    16. Classification and Pathogenesis of Gallstones (Dr. Salam)
    17. Hydatid Cyst (Dr. Salam Daradkah)
    18. Primary Liver Tumors (Dr. Salam)
    19. Surgical Infections (Dr Trawneh)
    20. esophageal cancer (Dr Tarawneh)
    21. Gastric Cancer (Dr Tarawneh)
    22. Nutrition ( Dr. Tarawneh )
    23. Gastric Neoplasms
    24. Gastric Cancer (Dr. Rami)
    25. Small Intestinal Tumors (Dr. Muhtaseb)
  2. Lectures 018
    1. Pancreatic Cancer (Dr. R. Addasi)
    2. Liver Metastasis (Dr. M. Alzoubi)
    3. Surgical Aspects of the Spleen (Dr. K. Daradka)
    4. Mesenteric Ischemia (Dr. K. Daradka)
    5. Acute Pancreatitis (Dr. R. Addasi)
    6. Shock from Intravascular Hypovolemia(Dr. K. Daradka)
    7. Bariatric Surgeries (Dr M. Rashdan)
    8. Acute appendicitis-recorded
    9. GERD (Dr M. Rashdan)
    10. Intra abdominal Sepsis-Peritonitis (Dr. M. Alzoubi)
    11. Primary Liver Neoplasms (Dr. K. Daradka)
    12. Esophageal Cancer (Dr. R. Addasi)
    13. Gastric Cancer (Dr. R. Addasi)
    14. Hypovolemic Shock Principles and Pathophysiology (Dr. R. Addasi)
    15. Hemorrhoids (Dr. M. Alqudah)
    16. Perianal Suppuration (Dr. M. Alqudah)
    17. Bowel Obstruction (Dr. M. Alqudah)
    18. Diverticular Disease (Dr.M.S.Almuhtaseb)
    19. Colorectal Polyps (Dr.M.S.Almuhtaseb)
    20. IBD (Dr.M.S.Almuhtaseb)
    21. Colorectal Cancer (Dr.M.S.Almuhtaseb)
    22. Small Bowel Tumors (Dr.M.S.Almuhtaseb)
    23. Hydatid Cyst (Dr. S. Daradkah)
    24. Gallstones (Dr. S. Daradkah)
    25. Parotid Gland Tumors (Dr. N.Albsoul)
  3. Slides
    1. Pancreatic Cancer
    2. Liver Metastasis
    3. Spleen
    4. Mesenteric Ischemia
    5. Acute pancreatitis
    6. Hypovolemic Shock
    7. Acute appendicitis
    8. GERD
    9. IBD
    10. Small Bowel Tumors
    11. Colorectal Polyps
    12. Colorectal Cancer
    13. Bowel Obstruction
    14. Hemorrhoids
    15. Perianal Suppuration
    16. Gallstones
    17. Hydatid Cyst
    18. Primary Liver Neoplasms
    19. Surgical Infections
    20. Esophageal Cancer
    21. Gastric Cancer
    22. Bariatric-surgery
    23. Intra-abdominal sepsis Peritonitis
    24. Diverticular Disease
    25. Parotid Tumors
    26. Gastric Neoplasms
    27. Nutrition
    28. Surgical Complications
  4. Dossiers
    1. GI surgery Dossier
    2. GI dossier correction
  5. Edited slides 020
    1. Hydatid Cyst (Insaf Alammouri)
    2. Classification and Pathogenesis of Gallstones (Insaf Alammouri)
    3. Primary liver tumors & liver metastasis sheet (by Ahmad Alhurani)
  6. Editied Slides
    1. Pancreatic Ca - Raha alzoubi
    2. Liver metastasis - Leen Farouq
    3. Spleen - Raha alzoubi
    4. Mesentric ischemia - Raha alzoubi
    5. Acute pancreatitis
    6. Hypovolemic Shock - Raha alzoubi
    7. Perianal suppuration
    8. Ileus and large bowel obstruction
    9. Small bowel obstruction
    10. Gastric Cancer
    11. Esophageal CA
    12. Hemorrhoids
    13. IBD
    14. Colorectal polyps
    15. Colorectal cancer
    16. Diverticular Disease
    17. Mesentric ischemia
    18. Surgical aspect of spleen
    19. Sepsis
    20. Acute appendicites - Raha alzoubi
    21. Colorectal polyps - Raha alzoubi
    22. Colorectal cancer - Raha alzoubi
    23. Bowel obstruction - Raha alzoubi
    24. Diverticular disease - Raha alzoubi
    25. Liver metastasis Raha alzoubi
    26. Hemorrhoids - Raha alzoubi
    27. Perianal suppuration - Raha alzoubi
    28. Liver mets
    29. Small bowel tumors - Raha alzoubi